Welcome to MyUCR Abroad, UC Riverside's Education Abroad Application Portal.

We believe a global experience is an essential part of your education. Congratulations on taking the step to plan your education abroad journey! We are excited to help you reach your personal, professional, and academic goals. Use this site to find and apply for your best education abroad program. Attend our "Study Abroad in 15 Minutes!" 15-minute sessions on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. at our office on the SSB second floor.

We are also available in our Zoom Education Abroad CHAT ROOM on Zoom: ucr.zoom.us/j/96971739091?pwd=N2FGVGFNdDVxNUJnQ2FLK2VJTmppUT09.

  • Wednesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Thursdays 3-5:00 pm

Events below (April 2025):

When you log in, you can respond to a survey, but when you click "respond," your profile page will appear. Complete your profile, and then you can continue to respond to the survey.

Once you complete your profile, we can notify you about information sessions, application workshops, scholarship opportunities, deadlines, and other important updates.

We also welcome non-UCR students: please click "REGISTER NOW" to create a profile in our system.

If you have any questions, concerns, or additional information, please email us at educationabroad@ucr.edu



Posted On: December 14, 2023, 12:18 pm

Steps to Learn Abroad:

  1. Complete your MyUCR Abroad Profile and the HAF Survey.
  2. Please watch the Education Abroad at UCR Video Series.
  3. Complete the First Step To Learn Abroad Session. You need to complete the Assessment (link in the video) to receive credit for the session and to receive information on the next steps of the process.
  4. Research program options in MyUCR Abroad, under Search Programs.
  5. Attend an Application Workshop specific to your program type and apply for your program (MyUCR Abroad, under Events).

If workshops are not available, please drop in during our chat room hours! Please note: you cannot make an appointment with an Education Abroad Advisor if you did not follow the steps outlined above.

Questions about financial aid? Make an appointment or email our financial aid representatives Mary Grawl (Last names A-L) at mary.grawl@ucr.edu or Lesley Hernandez (Last names M-Z) at lesley.hernandez@ucr.edu.

The Education Abroad staff is also available online! Please email us at educationabroad@ucr.edu or visit us in our EA Chat Room: Spring 2025 Wednesdays 10:00am-12:00pm & Thursdays 3:00 - 5:00pm

Spring Chat Hours will start Monday March 31st

Spring Chat Hours will end on Wednesday June 4th


  • Applicant Login

    UC Riverside students please note: by logging-in you are giving UC Riverside Education Abroad permission to upload selected data from your Banner account to expedite the creation of your profile.

    On your first visit, click "REGISTER NOW" below to create your profile.

  • Recommender Login

    First time users: Please login using the link in your email.
  • Manager Login

    UCR Staff should login using this button.

    Please use the single sign on button above.